Thursday, June 27, 2013

DIY Avocado, Honey and Coconut Oil Facial Mask for Dry Skin

Okay, okay. I know this is shocking, but I got tired of looking for a recipe for a face mask so I just made one up. So unlike me, right?

This recipe was inspired by my love of avocado and honey and the fact that I believe that if you won't eat it-- then don't put it on your body. I seriously need to make a chocolate body wrap.... Mmm... chocolate...

Since I'm not going to ask you to just trust me I'm going to tell you what each ingredient does!
  • Coconut Oil moisturizes, cleans, and soothes skin while also having both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to help with many types of skin conditions.
  • Almond Oil moisturizes, rejuvenates, and calms skin
  • Avocado moisturizes and soothes skin while also acting as an anti-inflammatory
  • Honey moisturizes, but more importantly soaks up impurities, cleans your skin, and is loaded with antioxidants (goodbye wrinkles!). It also is GREAT for acne sufferers! It's got some great antibacterial properties that aren't seen in other products.
IF you are allergic to NUTS simply omit the Sweet Almond Oil.  If you don't have the sweet almond oil or don't want to use it, that's okay too. It's just for extra moisturizer.

Avocado and Honey Face Mask

If you're using a real avocado, mash it up the best you can. I used a fork, but I'm lazy. I'm sure a blender or food processor would have done better, but I didn't feel like cleaning it. Hence, the green globs all over my face (see below).

Add the almond oil, coconut oil, honey and essential oils to the mashed avocado. Mix well.

Apply to face (you won't use it all if you used the fruit) and then take the" sexy" cliche bathroom picture with green goo all over your face. It's sexy.

Avocado and honey mask for acne

After 10 minutes, apply a warm wet wash cloth to your face. This part can get a little messy/wet so if you're wearing something semi-nice-- cover it up! 

Leave the towel on for at least 30 seconds. It will allow your pores to open and really let the mask get in there to moisturize and remove any impurities. Then use the washcloth to remove the mask. Now enjoy your beautiful glowing skin.

I have been using this face mask once a week in addition to my normal routine! It's been great at keeping away acne! If you want to see how safe your beauty products are then check out the skin deep cosmetic database.

I hope you enjoy this mask! 
Sherri Griffin
Sherri Griffin

Thanks for checking out my blog. I get serious about a few things in life: animals, chemicals, and food. For the rest I can't promise anything so keep the bar low. For more about me check out my "About Me" page! Happy DIYing!


© by Sherri Griffin, 2012-present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sherri Griffin and Overthrow Martha with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Boring Disclaimer

The contents found on Overthrow Martha are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. If you have concerns, please contact a doctor before altering your health care routine. If you feel as if you are having any adverse side effects please stop using the product immediately and consults a physician.

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You rock for reading all of that. {pats you on back}