From the first time I used it I noticed a difference-- my skin glowed, and then my pores shrunk, and as I continue to use it my fine line and wrinkles continue to decrease. Uhhh... thank you, Africa!!

Seriously, I'm in love. So I decided that I needed to share my love with you all!
In this blog I talk about lot about beauty products and honestly I believe in them all. However, this product is something special. I don't even know if I can even convey to you in words how much I love it and the amazing results I have seen, but I'll try!
There is one con: it can be drying so always follow it up with a good moisturizer. You can read about some of the natural moisturizers I've used by clicking this link: Moisturizers.
I also recommend only using it once a day at first (either day or night) to make sure your skin isn't too dry. I actually only use it at night and my skin does fine with it because I realized that I got great results only using it once a day. Why change?!
I purchased Shea Terra Rose Hips Black Soap (which is 100% natural) mainly because I had a gift certificate, plus I LOVE most of SheaTerra Organics line and I've been thinking about black soap for quite a while! I'm so glad I did! However, if you want to use plain old African Black soap--- knock yourself out! You'll get very similar results to this product simply by using a good quality African Black Soap. I like Coastal Scents African Black Soap, 16 Ounce
Just check the sources of any brand you buy-- it should be from West Africa or near Ghana. If it's not-- it's a knock off. Don't waste your money!
You can tell that a product is a good quality soap when the color is very dark brown and nearly black. It is NOT super hard and will smell very organic. Also be careful if you choose a liquid black soap as they often have too many fillers or are dyed brown or black to create the illusion of true African Black Soap.
Note: Avoid using African Black Soap around your eyes-- it may burn!! Also, if you're allergic to chocolate (I feel horrible for you) there is cocoa in most black soaps!
What makes Black Soap different?
Well, it's not really soap!
The "soap" is made out of different items including some plant base (banana leaves, cocoa, shea bark, plantains) and is mixed with a water base (coconut oil, palm oil, shea butter). It's jam packed full of vitamin E, vitamin A, iron and glycerin which all work together to give you soft, smooth, strong and healthy skin! There are no preservatives, color enhancers, fragrances or animal fat so it's wonderful for people who are looking for good, simple green products or have sensitive skin.

- Minimize Pores
- Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
- Deep cleaning into the pores
- Helps reduce blemishes at the source (won't do jack about pimples you already have)
- Reduces facial scars
- Helps to reduce skin irritations
- Reduces redness
- Great make up remover
- Delays aging of skin
- Even out your skin tone
- Prevent stretch marks
I tried not to smile in this picture so you can see my laugh lines, but it's so hard! But you can get an idea for what my skin condition is like without make up on a normal day. The laugh lines are still there, but much less pronounced.
If you have red skin (I do!) then if you follow this up with a non-alcoholic witch hazel and a good moisturizer you'll be very impressed with the results.
The biggest compliment that I received happened just last weekend. A 22 year old man put his flirt on and was completely shocked when I told him that I was 30. Granted, I've always looked a little younger than what I am, but the numbers keep getting lower as I keep using more natural products! If that isn't incentive to go green, then I don't know what is!
As for the SheaTerra product that I've been using-- the source is from West Africa and there are no fillers. It's all natural. They don't even use artificial fragrances. Here are the ingredients!
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