I started playing around trying to find the perfect foaming hand soap recipe! I admit I am a bit of a foaming hand soap snob.
For years, Clint and I have been buying those Bath and Body Works Foaming hand soaps in pretty much every scent imaginable. They have been a bit of an obsession, but after finding out what makes those incredible smells-- well, we were less than pleased.
So since then it's been my DIY mission to make a foaming hand soap that we both love and adore!
Super Simple Foaming Antibacterial Handsoap
With that said I wanted to give you a recipe for hand soap. This is a request from a wonderful reader who I now consider a new friend!. She works in healthcare and needs a good hand soap. Commercial hand soaps can be drying so I wanted to make sure she had one with some added moisture!
And a bonus is that this recipe is super easy and it will end up saving you money! The foam soap I used to buy costs around $7 a bottle and this one costs less than a dollar to make!
But what I like the most about this soap is that it's gentle and moisturizing. Plus, it smells absolutely amazing.
What you need
- 1 foam soap pump (I reused one from Bath and Body Works)
- 1 c distilled or filtered water
- 2 TBSP Castile Soap
- 1/4 tsp carrier oil. I used Jojoba, but you can use almond, grapeseed, olive, or any carrier oil that stays liquid at room temperature.
- 10 drops Thieves Essential Oil (I recommend this brand)
Shake it a bit and tada! You're all done. You're ready to have clean hands at a fraction of the price of traditional foaming soaps. Yay!!
You may need to lightly shake it if you see the oil settling which is perfectly normal. I hope you love this!!
If you want to find out more information about which essential oil brand I trust and why please read "How to find quality essential oil" I
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Check out our GIVEAWAY for an entire Thieves Kit! It's pretty awesome :)
How about Dish Soap?
Homemade Dish Soap
Disclaimer: I receive a portion of the profits of any products you buy (your cost remains the same). I will use any revenue to support OverthrowMartha by paying for hosting fees, products to review, and providing giveaways. Did you see the Giveaways I just posted? It's for a Vitamix! and an essential oil kit!