DIY beauty is my obsession! Ever since my I made my first DIY beauty product, I've been tinkering around finding more and more easy homemade beauty recipes to help support my skin. I am so happy to tell you that since switching to natural products my skin looks so much better and my redness has significantly decreased. After 30+ years on this planet my skin actually looks happy! And from talking to you guys-- I'm not the only one!
I love getting emails and comments from you all and I am beyond thrilled to hear how so many natural beauty products are helping you guys! I love how so many of you have turn my recipes into your own recipes or even making completely new recipes! I absolutely love it! You guys inspire me so much! It seems like once we actually
see the difference natural beauty products can make, then we are always making more!
This time I've come up with something so easy that you won't even believe me when I say it can take 30 seconds to make. But it's true. 30 seconds. Time yourself. {wink}
You simply just mix everything in a glass bottle and then you're ready to go. Seriously, it's that easy!
How I Like To Use It
I like to clean my face, use
Thayers Witch Hazel
and then use a couple of drops of this moisturizer on my skin. It absorbs really well and makes my skin feel sooooo soft! But the lavender and frankincense work together to help reduce unwanted bumps too! WIN!
Here is a video I made to explain a little bit more about the ingredients and how to make this super simple beauty product.
Did you know that there are supermodels who swear by rose hips oil and it's awesome skin benefits. I figure they must know what they are taking about, right?!
Just be sure that when you use essential oils on your skin (especially you face) that you use high quality essential oils (
read this to see who I recommend and why). I have had readers tell me that some store bought brands have caused them to break out, develop rashes and other skin symptoms. This is often due to synthetic chemicals which can even be in brands labeled as "pure". So just make sure you do your research when choosing an essential oil, carrier oils and other products to make your recipes.
Make this last longer and go further with my
DIY Toner
Questions? Make sure you read this article about
DIY Beauty Basics 101 before you email me with questions! Thanks!