Maybe you've tried other "smart" or "self cleaning" litter boxes-- I know I have! What a joke, right?! My favorites were the rake and the sifter which both made me want to vomit when I cleaned the excrement from the teeny gaps and holes! Gross! But there are so many other options like the chemical crap storm washable litter, the cradle of filth box, train your cat to use a toilet nightmare and the topsy-turvy poop mixer. What amazing selections!
For over a decade, I've been searching for the answer to the litter box problem, but time and time again I would just go back to the old fashion scoopable litter box. But when Leo (the lazy) started having urinary problems, my vet told me that making sure he had an "extremely" clean litter box was critical for his health. In fact, the consequences of another urinary problem would be chopping of what remained of his manhood. I don't know about you, but I think he would want to keep that!
So, here I am scooping the litter box 4 times a day so my cat can keep his penis. I'm so generous. And tired. Of Poop.